透過數學算板 youtube 影片製作的動態圖像檔案實例

Examples of Animated gif converted from YouTube movies of MathBoard Programs

林保平 plin@mathboard.tw 前台北市立教育學院數資系退休

(Pao-Ping Lin retired from Municipal University of TaiPei)


These are some examples of animated gif graphs, which are converted from youtube movie recorded with running MathBoard(數學算板 Beta version). All the movies are in YouTube:MathBoard chanel and still in development. Sorry, MathBoard and movies are in Chinese. The main purpose of the movies are to introduce the function of MathBoard which is desigened for Mathematics Educators and Teachers to plan dynamic teaching materials for classroom.

All the samples of MathBoard web files are on http://mathboard.tw. We use java web start to deliever the programs. Since java web start will no longer be supported, in the future, we will try to make youtube movies instead.

(1)勾股定理的移切證明(Pthagoras Theorem proved by Translation and Shear)  


(2)勾股定理的切轉證明(Pthagoras Theorem proved by Shear and Rotation)  


(3)勾股定理的推廣定理證明(Generalized Pthagoras Theorem) 


(4)天體運行的軌跡(Moon Orbit) 

(5)正方體切割成菱形十二面體 (Cube Dissection to RumbiDodecahedron) 

(6)四邊形中點連線定理(Quadrilateral Midpoints Theorem) 

(7)雙旋轉的四維正方體(Double Rotation of Tesseract) 

(8)雙旋轉的四維正方體展開(Double Rotation of Expanding Tesseract) 

(9)正十二面體展開(Expanding Dodecahedron) 

(10)圖面圓柱體展開(Expanding Picture Cylinder) 

(11)雙曲多面體實例(Some Hyperbolic Polyhedra) 

(12)六視圖(Six Principal Views of Object) 



more to come